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Wilfred 'Wilf' Bushby Service Record - Page 3
Wilfred "Wilf" Bushby Service Record - Page 3
Wilfred 'Wilf' Bushby Service Record - Page 4
Wilfred "Wilf" Bushby Service Record - Page 4
Wilfred 'Wilf' Bushby Service Record - Page 5
Wilfred "Wilf" Bushby Service Record - Page 5
Wilfred 'Wilf' Bushby Service Record - Page 6
Wilfred "Wilf" Bushby Service Record - Page 6
Wilfred 'Wilf' Bushby Service Record - Page 7
Wilfred "Wilf" Bushby Service Record - Page 7
Wilfred 'Wilf' Bushby Service Record - Page 8
Wilfred "Wilf" Bushby Service Record - Page 8
Wilfred 'Wilf' Bushby Service Record - Page 9
Wilfred "Wilf" Bushby Service Record - Page 9
Wilfred Robert Bushby Birth Certificate - South Fremantle, Western Australia
Wilfred Robert Bushby Birth Certificate - South Fremantle, Western Australia
The birth certificate of Wilfred Robert Bushby shows that he was born on 23 March 1914 at 14 South Street, South Fremantle, Western Australia. His father was William James Bushby, age 45 [born c.1869], a carpenter, born in Barrow-in-Furness. His mother was Sarah Jane Buhl, age 41 [born c.1873], born in Stanhope, West Maitland, New South Wales. William and James were married 19 Feb 1895 in West Maitland.

Their other children were William Job Stanley, age 18 [born c.1896], Harold Sydney, age 15 [born c.1899], Violet Alice May, age 9 [born c.1905], and Vera Lilian, age 5 [born c.1909].
Date: 1 Apr 1914
Wilkinson, Artist, Going to Europe
Wilkinson, Artist, Going to Europe
Honolulu Advertiser, 2 Jun 1937. Jack Wilkinson studied with Maurice Steine in San Francisco (1878-1957).
Owner of original: Honolulu Advertiser
Date: 2 Jun 1937
Will of Mary Crumplehere - 1595 - Winterborne Kingston, Dorset
Will of Mary Crumplehere - 1595 - Winterborne Kingston, Dorset
1. Crumplehere / In dei No[m]i[n]e Amen the xvth

2. of Julie in the yeare of o[u]r lord god 1595 I mary

3. crumplehere of the p[ar]ishe of Winterborne kingston

4. in the Countie of dors[e]t widdow, Sick in body but

5. p[er]fect of remembraunce thank[es] be to god do make

6. this my last will and Testament in man[ner]

7. and forme followinge First I bequeth my soule

8. into the hands of all mighti god the maker of

9. heaven and earth and by the shedding of Jes[u]s

10. Christ[es] bloude I do verily believe that all

11. synnes, and offences be forgiven and washed

12. away and my body I will to be buried at the

13. discrec[i]on of my Executor Inprimis I geve to

14. W[illia]m Crumplehere my husband beste Coate and

15. shirt It[e]m I geve to duke [?true] coate and a payre of breeches

16. It[e]m I geve to my sister tomsey buggis my best

17. petticoate and a wastcoate It[e]m to [? pungniton] an

18. old cloke It[e]m to maude Audeley vjd It[e]m to

19. Peter Eeyser eyght pounde of woll It[e]m Edith

20. Chepman – ij|s vjd It[e]m to mary Crumplehere ijs vjd

21. It[e]m to my sister Johan xxs and my best Copper It[e]m

22. to my sister katherine a black frice Gowne and

23. my working day petticoate It[e]m more to my sist[e]r

24. Johan all the rest of myne appar]ill It[e]m to mary

25. Clarke – xijd It[e]m to M[aste]r Powell xijd It[e]m to

26. my sonne Thomas all the residew of my good

27. and Cattells whom I male my sole Executor of

28. this my last will and Testament fynally I do

29. ordaine and appointe M[aste]r Richard mychell M[aste]r Thomas

30. Strangwayes Hibbert Galton and John Galton to be mu

31. ov[er]seers and to take the benifitt of the goods and to

32. imploy it to the use of my sonne Thomas crumplehere

33. In witnes wherof I have Called these my neighbors

34. whose names are under written M[aste]r Richard

35. Mychell M[ist]ris Mychell M[aste]r Powell /
Owner of original: Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office
Date: 25 Jul 1595
Will of Thomas Cromplehere dated 31 Jul 1570
Will of Thomas Cromplehere dated 31 Jul 1570

In the name of god Amen the xxxjth day of Julij in the yere of o[u]r

lorde god 1570 I Thomas Cromplehere of the p[ar]ishe of Kyngeston

Annexed unto Bere Reg[is] beinge sycke of body and p[er]fitt of memory

god be praysed do institute and ordeyne this my last will and

testament in manner and forme folowinge First I bequeath my

sowle to almightie god my maker and redeamer and my body to

be buryed in the church yerd of kingston aforsaide It[e]m I geve

to the poore mens boxe a busshell of wheat to the valew therof

as itt worth in the markett[es] It[e]m I geve to Mawde my wiffe ^xx bushell[es] of wheate

twentie bushell[es] of barley and x shepe and tenn bee butt[es]

The Rest of my good[es] not geven nor bequeathed my dett[es] paide

and legacies p[er]formed I geve and bequeathe to my sonne Stephen

Cromplehere and to my dawghter Luce Cromplehere whom I make

my full Executors Thes bearinge witnes hereunto Reynolde

Abbott and Richard cromplehere whom I ordeyne to be my


Probat[um] fuit testame[n]tum suprascript[um] Thome Cromplehere def[uncti]

nup[er] p[ar]och[ie] de Kyngeston Iur[isdictio]nis peculiaris decanalis Sar[um] coram

mag[ist]ro Joh[ann]e James in legibus bacall[ario] Offi[cia]li d[omi]ni decani Sar[um]

sexto die mens[i]s Septembris Anno d[omi]ni 1570 Ac per ip[su]m app[ro]bat[um] &c

Com[m]issaq[ue] fuit &c Lucee Cromplehere Executor in eod[em]

no[m]i[na]tus Et in debit[um] iuris forma iurat[o] Res[er]vat[u]r p[ro]t[est]ate

comittendisimil[it]e[r] admi[ni]stra[cio]nem Richard Crompleheare alteri Executor

in eod[em] no[m]i[n]at[i] Et in debit[um] m[agist]ris forma Salvo q[ue] iure Cuiuscu[m]que
Date: 31 Jul 1570
William and Adele Osterman - June 1895 Birth of Daughter
William and Adele Osterman - June 1895 Birth of Daughter
Date: 19 Jun 1895
William Crumpler - Inventory of Goods and Chattels - 1614
William Crumpler - Inventory of Goods and Chattels - 1614
1. An Inventorye of all the good[es] and Cattells of
2. W[illia]m Crumpelher th[e ]elder of Winterborne Kingston
3. in the count[i]e of Dorset yoeman late deceased
4. taken the xxixth daye of Aprill in the yeres
5. of the Reynge of o[ur] Souv[er]eynge lord James by
6. the grace of god of England Fraunce &
7. Ireland kinge defender of the Fayethe &c
8. the xijth and of Scotland the xlvij A[nn]o D[o]mini
9. 1614. And pr[?]fyser by Hubert Galton
10. John Galton Rycherd Crumpelher and
11. W[illia]m Crumpellher the younger as followeth/
In the Halle
12. Impr[im]is A Table bord w[i]th a Frame and
13. benches next the wal[?] & a Forme
14. It[e]m a Cobord_______________________
15. It[e]m a great Chest__________________
16. It[e]m three Chayers__________________
17. It[e]m a muskett fur[?]_______________
18. It[e]m ij payer of Iron cotterells [Note 1] ij payer
19. of Andirons ij payer of tong[es] j broche [Note 2]
20. ij payers of potthokes [Note 3] j Iron barr j payer
21. of brandes [Note 4], a pyderon[?] & a Flechok
22. It[e]m three brasse pottes & a brasse skillet____
23. It[em] three byttells & ij skyllett[es]__________
24. It[e]m xij pewter platters & potengers j
25. basen of pewter iiij candellstickes two
26. salt cellers w[i]th co[?] a morter w[i]th
27. pestell & a pewter potage dyshe
) xs
xiijs iiijd
vjs viijd
) xiijs iiijd
xiijs iiijd
) xxs
In the chanber next the streetdore
28. Item A new bed stede w[i]th tester & j paynted
29. clothe about him. A Fetherbed A tester
30. bolster w[i]th three pillowes of Fethers
31. A bed cov[er]let & three blanckett[es]
32. It[e]m A lytell coffer w[i]th A lytell borde_______
) ls [?]
In the chamber w[i]thin that chamber
33. It[e]m two bedsted[es] a cov[er]let a bolster
34. and a payer of blancketts
) xs
In the chamber ov[er] the hale
35. It[e]m] A Standinge bedsted w[i]th a matt
36. ij Fether bolsters, a payer of blanckett[es]
37. & ij Cov[er]lett[es] A lytell chest ij Coffers
38. and a lytell box
) iijli
In the new chamber
39. It[e]m A bed iij bolsters A payer of
40. blankett[es] a matt & ij Cov[er]lett[es]
) Ls
In the Butterye
41. ….. [damaged] A keave a Syv[e] ….. [damaged] …lt pigg[es] in v
42. ….. [damaged] …lls & a horse v a… ….. [damaged]
43. ….. [damaged] a fryinge pa[n] ….. [damaged]
44. ….. [damaged] …nge geare a chopping knyef & …..
) ….. [damaged]
In the Kytchyne
45. ….. [damaged] ij trendles ij co….. [damaged] reng[es]
46. ..... [damaged] .....ate horse a mouldinge bord
47. ….. [damaged] a wenowinge sheet vj sack[es]
48. ….. [damaged] …ll a pecke a ….. [damaged] iiij
49. ….. [damaged] a brake a cheste steyn[d]
50. I[te]m ….. [damaged] furnes pan….. [damaged]
) xxxiijs iiijd
xiijs iiijd
Cattell & other thing[es] w[i]thout dore
51. It[e]m two horses
52. It[e]m two keyne two younge heyfers
53. two younge bullock[es] & a wenlynge calfe
54. It[e]m xvj Sheep and x . lam[m]es
55. It[e]m three pygg[es]
56. It[e]m xiiij acres of wheat on the ground
57. It[e]m xv acres of barlye on the ground
58. It[e]m wheat in the barne
59. It[e]m xvj bushells of Mault
60. It[e]m heye in the Reke
61. It[e]m A Carte . a Sull [Note 5] w[i]th a culter [Note 6] &
62. Fyve eythes [Note 7]
63. It[e]m two payer of Carte harnes ij
64. payer of ploughe harnes a payer of
65. Iron Crokes [Note 8] & harnes for an under
66. horse a corne rope & one wood rope
67. It[e]m two hundred of Read
68. It[e]m v . corne pykes [Note 9]iij shovells j
69. Spade. a dunge pyke A picke axe a
70. willowe an axe amd hoke w[i]th
71. a payer of Cuffes
72. It[e]m two payer of weyes for the ploughe
73. w[i]th j longe iron chayne & ij shortchaynes
74. It[e]m A well bucket w[i]th an Iron
75. chayne a troughe & a iron Range
76. It[e]m wood about the howse
77. It[e]m iiij payer of Sheet[es] ij bord clothes
78. iiij table napkens & ij pylotyes
79. It[e]m his wearinge Apparell
80. It[e]m ij payer of iron voters ij ladders
81. and one horsblocke
82. It[e]m two Flytches of bacon
83. It[e]m the Lease of his lyvinge
84. Sum[m]a tot[alis]
) xli
) Liijs iiijd
) xs
xiijs iiiijd
) xs
) vjs viijd
) iiijs
) iijl vjs viijd
) vs
Cxxvijl xijs iiijd
[Some Latin Here]
Huberte Galton
John Galton
Richard [Note 10] Crumplehere
1. A trammel, crane, or bar, from which a pot or kettle is hung over a fire. Southern dial. [OED]
2. broche = broch, a large jug.
1679 BLOUNT Anc. Tenures 51 One iron Broch, which was a great Pot or Jug to carry Liquid things. [OED]
3. potthoke – pothook = A hook suspended over a fireplace on which a pot or kettle may be hung. Also: a metal rod (usually curved) with a hook at the end, for lifting a heated pot, stove-lid, etc. [OED]
4. brand – possibly An iron instrument for making marks by burning [OED]
5. sull = plough [OED]
6. culter - coulter, colter = The iron blade fixed in front of the share in a plough; it makes a vertical cut in the soil, which is then sliced horizontally by the share. [OED]
7. eythe = harrow [OED]
8. croke - crook = 1. An instrument, weapon, or tool of hooked form; a hook. spec. a. A reaping-hook, sickle; b. A hook for grappling or catching; c. A hook or bent iron on which anything is hung; e.g. one of the iron hooks on which a gate hangs: esp. in 'crooks and bands' (see BAND n.1 3); a hook in a chimney for hanging a pot or kettle on, a pot-hook; hence phr. as black as the crook (Sc.). [OED]
9. corne pyke - corn-pike = pitch-fork [OED]
10. There is a mark resembling a modern R between the words Richard and Crumpelhere.
Date: 1614
William J. Osterman and Family - 1910 United States Census
William J. Osterman and Family - 1910 United States Census
The 1910 U.S. Census shows William J. Osterman, age 39 (born about 1871) living with his wife Elizabeth (age 37, born about 1873) and his three children: Alice E. E. (age 17), Irene M. (age 15), and Earnest W. (age 8). William is a cigar maker. They are living at 16 Magnolia Avenue, Santa Clara, California. William and Elizabeth have been married for 17 years.
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
Date: 1910
Place: Santa Clara, California
William James and Sarah Jane Bushby - 1925 Electoral Roll
William James and Sarah Jane Bushby - 1925 Electoral Roll
The 1925 Australian electoral roll shows William James Bushby, a carpenter, and his wife Sarah Jane Bushby living at 130 Sewell Street, East Fremantle Sub-District

Source Information: Ancestry.com. Australian Electoral Rolls, 1901-1936 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Australian Electoral Commission. [Electoral roll]
William James Bushby - 1936 Australian Electoral Roll - East Freemantle, Western Australia
William James Bushby - 1936 Australian Electoral Roll - East Freemantle, Western Australia
The 1936 Australian electoral roll shows William James Bushby, a carpenter, living at 130 Sewell Street, East Fremantle, WA. With him is his wife, Sarah Jane.

Ancestry.com. Australian Electoral Rolls, 1901-1936 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Australian Electoral Commission. [Electoral roll]. Microform mc N 451-mc N 457. National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia.
Date: 1936
William James Bushby - Birth Certificate
William James Bushby - Birth Certificate
Born 22 Dec 1868 at 4 Harrison Street, Barrow-in-Furness (Ulverston Registration District). Father: James Bushby; Mother: Martha [Aitken] Bushby; Father's Occupation: Stone Mason. Registered 16 Jan 1869.
Date: 16 Jan 1869
William Job Stanley Bushby Birth Certificate - 9 Mar 1896
William Job Stanley Bushby Birth Certificate - 9 Mar 1896
The birth certificate of William Job Stanley Bushby shows he was born 9 Mar 1896 in Stanhope, New South Wales. Father was William James Bushby, age 27, an engineer born in Barrow-in-Furness, England. Mother was Sarah Jane Buhl, age 23, born in Stanhope.
Date: 14 Apr 1896
William Osterman - Adele Morris Marriage
William Osterman - Adele Morris Marriage
"In this city [San Francisco], August 11, by the Rev. M.S. Levy, William Osterman and Adele Morris."

San Francisco Morning Call 20 Aug 1889 - Page 8, Column 7 - California State Library Microfilm Newspaper Collection
Date: 20 Aug 1889
William Wilkinson and Ann Finney Marriage
William Wilkinson and Ann Finney Marriage
1 February 1829 - St. Mary's Church, Manchester

According to Gerard Lodge at Manchester Family History Research (who has been greatly assisting me with this project):

"There had been only one church in the parish of Manchester right through until the early part of the seventeenth century, but by the middle of this century there were several other chapels within its boundaries. These were located at Blackley, Newton, Gorton, Denton, Birch, Didsbury, Chorlton and Salford. Over the years, especially from 1800, the population of the parish ballooned, necessitating the building of many churches within the parish. As the mother church had the monopoly on fees for events such as weddings and burials, this lead to discontent amongst the wider clergy and parishioners of Manchester.

"If for instance a couple chose to marry in their local chapel or church, a fee would be payable to the church and to Manchester Parish Church, so most people just came straight the Collegiate Church. In the early part of the nineteenth century, on holidays such as Whit Monday, dozens and dozens of people got married. A chapter in the book The Manchester Man deals with this subject and tells of ten or twenty couples being married at the same time amongst scenes of utter chaos.

"This monopoly of the fees was a major factor in the life of Joshua Brookes. He was the most prolific hatcher, matcher and dispatcher in the country. In other words he performed more marriages, baptisms and burial services than any other cleric before or since. So marrying at the Collegiate Church or as it was later, the Cathedral was not any sign of high rank or wealth. In fact the opposite may have been true with many rich and affluent couples getting married at churches such as St Thomas's, Ardwick. More often that not they married by Licence which was more expensive than marrying after Banns, so the double fees were rather hefty."

See: http://www.uksearch2003.co.uk/page3.htm
William Wilson (Otto Wiser) Obituary
William Wilson (Otto Wiser) Obituary
Member of Eastbay Machinist Union Local 1304, C.I.O.
Date: DEC 1947
Place: Oakland, California
Winefred Elizabeth Roberts Birth Certificate - 14 Sep 1908
Winefred Elizabeth Roberts Birth Certificate - 14 Sep 1908
Solano County California - Father Wm. Arthur Roberts, age 23, engineer, born in Kansas. Mother Amy Winefred Nixon, age 21, born in Australia. Born at 205 Virginia Street, Vallejo, California 94590.
Owner of original: Solano County, California
Date: 16 Nov 1908
With the First Regiment - Hawaiian Star - 12 Feb 1896
With the First Regiment - Hawaiian Star - 12 Feb 1896
Owner of original: Hawaiian Star
Date: 12 Feb 1896
World War 1 Draft Card - Dudley Walsh
World War 1 Draft Card - Dudley Walsh
The WW1 draft card shows Dudley Walsh, born 12 Jul 1890 in County Galway, Ireland, a farmer working for S. M. Weld in Dedham, Massachusetts (Norwood). He is single, medium height and build, blue eyes, brown hair, and "ruptured."
Date: 5 Jun 1917
World War I Draft Card - Frederich [Bruno] Wyser
World War I Draft Card - Frederich [Bruno] Wyser
The WW1 draft card shows Frederich Wyser, age 36 and not employed, living at 182 - 20th Street, Oakland, California [94666]. He is living with Mrs Mary Burns, his sister. His date of birth is shown as March (date not certain) 1882, and his citizenship is Australian.

Medium height, medium build, grey eyes, brown hair.

Draft card submitted by Cathy Key.
Date: 12 Sep 1918
World War I Draft Registration Card - Michael Henry Isaacs
World War I Draft Registration Card - Michael Henry Isaacs
Draft card shows date of birth as 2 Dec 1876, occupation "traveling salesman" for Caln Nickelsburg, 300 Mission Street, San Francisco, California. Next of kin John G. Isaacs, living at 1640 Lyon Street, San Francisco.

Medium height, medium build, hazel eyes, light brown hair.
Date: 10 Sep 1918
WW1 Draft Card - Irving Morris
WW1 Draft Card - Irving Morris
Date: 12 Sep 1918
WW1 Draft Card for Albert J. Wilkinson
WW1 Draft Card for Albert J. Wilkinson
The card indicates that Albert Wilkinson worked at Cotton Neill Co. Ltd. as an apprentice machinist. His mother and two brothers, under 12, are shown as dependent upon him. He's described as tall with brown hair, brown eyes, and not bald.
Date: 31 JUL 1917
Place: Honolulu, Hawaii
WW1 Draft Card for Lawrence Burton Morris
WW1 Draft Card for Lawrence Burton Morris
Date: 12 Sep 1918
[Alfred] Gilbert Parker and Family - 1881 U.K. Census
[Alfred] Gilbert Parker and Family - 1881 U.K. Census
The 1881 census shows Gilbert Parker, age 39 born in Hutton, Somerset, a carpenter, living with his wife Maria, age 37 born in Lympsham, Somerset. With them are their children: Frank Parker, age 14 born in Lympsham, a baker's apprentice; Walter Parker, age 13 born in East Brent, Somerset, a scholar; Alice Parker, age 9 born in Weston Super Mare, Somerset, a scholar; and Fred Parker, age 6 born in Barnwell, Somerset, a scholar. They are living at East Street, Barnwell, Somerset.

Source Citation: Class: RG11; Piece: 2419; Folio: 9; Page: 11; Line: 47; GSU roll: 1341582.

Source Information: Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1881 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.
Date: 1881

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